CronlyGames Inc. التطبيقات

宽立斗地主 1.3.1
CronlyGames Inc.
Landlords game swept the country, landing Google Play Store UIinterface overall update, AI level fully enhanced.
Lucky Stars - PopStars 满天星 2.0.1
CronlyGames Inc.
Version 2.0.0 Updates:Grand updates after several years, we hope you will love me muchmore!1) Update the UI design, make it clean and clear, the new starsare very cool and cute;2) Add duo-color stars and full-color stars, touch your fingerwise;3) Add 4 different game modes, besides the classic one,* Rearrange Mode, refresh stars in different direction fordifferent level;* Infinite Mode, refill stars after a column is clean, make a goodchoice and guess the stars drop down;* Time Mode, rush as much score as you can in 60 seconds, a quickhand helps here;* Step Mode, achieve best score in 30 steps, connect the same starsas many as possible.To embrace your dreams, to pop all Same Stars in the night sky!Once you start, you can't stop!The most popular Pop Star games from iOS, over 1 milliondownloads, and now available on Google Play Market. Transplatedfrom the original Seller, and Quality Assuranced!To embrace your dreams, to pop all Same Stars in the night sky!Once you start, you can't stop!★ The play rule is the same as all other *same* games,- tap at least 2 neighbouring stars with the same color- pop them with the most stars- achieve the highest score you've ever got.★ The scoring rule is simple- The more stars you pop, the more scores you will get.(Formula: Score = Stars * Stars * 5)- Try to clear all stars in the sky, the least stars you left,the more bonus you will get.(Formula: Bonus = 2000 - Stars * Stars * 20), you will get 2000bonus after all stars are cleared.★ Magic tools are important here! Click the magic tool to enableit, or click it again to disable it.- brush in different color : brush one star to the same color asthe brush;Useful when you try to connect as more stars as you can, to achievehigher score.- bomb: explode one star and its neighbouring stars, that is,3x3 grid;Useful to clear the left stars, to get more bonus.- hammer, knock out one star.Useful when you try to connect more same neighbouring stars toachieve more scores★ The above magic tools are ★FREE★ for once in each play.You can also buy more magic tools!★ It is really useful to achieve the higher score, you have thetips!
Pet Link Go 1.0.2
CronlyGames Inc.
Pets Link Link Go, a very classic games toplay.Help:Click on two same pictures/icons, if the lines connect them are notmore than 3, and no touch on other pictures/icons, then these twopictures/icons are removed. There is TIME LIMIT for each level!There are tips(you can use it in limited times) for you to play.And this game has 3 different modes, 4 different difficulty, and 25levels for each mode/difficulty, the move way are different foreach level;It has also four difficulties, to distinguish the newbies withhard-core players.Go and have a challenge!~
Chinese Checkers Online 2.2.6
CronlyGames Inc.
[Grand Update, Must Download!] or you willmiss the new features here :* Optimize the 5 jumper AIs;* Add Onine Game Hall, you can play it with your friends;* Add Tips, FootSteps;* Add Fast Paced Jump to jump over multiple empty grids.Especially, you can enjoy all above free!The most popular Chinese Checkers on App Store, over 1 000 000downloads worldwide! The iPhone version is also available now.The most intelligent Chinese Checkers on App Store! With 5different AI levels, support players from 1 to 6!Chinese checkers is a board game that can be played by two,three, four, or six people, playing individually or with partners.The game is a modern and simplified variation of Halma. Theobjective is to be first to race one's pieces across thehexagram-shaped game board into "home" – the corner of the staropposite one's starting corner – using single-step moves or moveswhich jump over other pieces. Others keep playing to establish 2nd,3rd, 4th, 5th, and last place finishers. The game involves somestrategy but is popular even among young children.A basic strategy is to find the longest hopping path that leadsclosest to, or immediately into, "home" – the destination starpoint at the opposite side of the board. (Multiple-jump moves areobviously faster to relocate pieces than step-by-step moves.) Sinceeither player can make use of any hopping 'ladder' or 'chain'created, more advanced strategy involves hindering an opposingplayer, in addition to helping oneself find jumps across the board.Of equal importance are the players' strategies for emptying andfilling their starting and home corners. Games between experts arerarely decided by more than a couple of moves.Differing numbers of players result in different game layouts.Each layout imposes a different best-game strategy. For example, ifa player's "home" or destination corner is empty (not an opponent'sstarting corner), the player can freely arrange his/her pieces toserve as a 'ladder' or 'bridge' between the two opposite ends. Butif a player's opponent occupies the home destination corner, theplayer might be better advised to play a "waiting game" until allpieces have moved out.Chinese Checkers is also called marble, Halma, hop, acrossjump.
宽立天天诈金花 2.0.2
CronlyGames Inc.
国内用户请加客服QQ群: 543221539=============================逢年过节干什么?吃饭喝酒诈金花!诈金花,又称炸金花,扎金花,诈鸡,抓鸡,赢三张,三张牌,三跟等,是最风靡中国的智力博弈游戏;玩家以手中得三张牌定输赢,赢牌不但要靠运气,更靠胆量与计算。拿到小牌时,请勿气馁,别人牌可能比你还小;拿到大牌时,也不要高兴得太早了,对家牌可能还要大哦~运气好时,更有机会看到世纪豪赌,不是赢得盆满钵满,就是输得只剩裤衩。1 .游戏基本规则  游戏参与人数共9人,单机版包括一个玩家和多台电脑AI,网络版为全球在线,使用一副去掉到大小王的扑克牌,共 52 张牌  从庄家开始逆时针循环,每人可以选择看牌,跟注,加注,放弃等操作,第二轮后可以比牌定输赢。 每局游戏结束时,玩家只能看见未弃牌的所有玩家手中的牌。  2.游戏用语解释  庄家:上一轮赢的玩家是下一轮的庄家,第一局或者赢家离开的情况随机选一个玩家为庄家。  底注:游戏开始前每位玩家都要先投入游戏币,为3个筹码,从庄家的下一个玩家开始。封顶:单注的最大数目,目前是138个筹码  看牌:查看自己三张牌的花色和点数。  跟注:投入和当前单注一样数量的筹码。  加注:单注加倍,再投入跟单注一样数量的筹码。  开牌:第二轮后,可以开牌。投入当前单注两倍的筹码,所有剩下的玩家比牌定输赢。  放弃:放弃当前付出的所有游戏币,判输。3.游戏基本流程描述  投入底注:发牌之前大家先付出的游戏币。  发牌:从庄家开始发牌,第一次开局的话,随机选择一个用户先发牌。每人发三张牌,牌面向下,为暗牌。  游戏:从庄家先开始下注,其他玩家依次逆时针操作。轮到玩家操作时,玩家根据条件和判断形势可以进行加注、跟注、看牌、放弃、开牌等操作。  开牌:第二轮后可以随时选择开牌。  判断胜负:根据牌型比较规则来判断胜负。显示所有没有放弃的玩家的牌型。如果可以投入游戏币的玩家只剩下一个,则判此玩家为胜利玩家。4. 牌型说明  豹子:三张点相同的牌。例:AAA、222。  顺金(同花顺、色托):花色相同的顺子。例:黑桃456、红桃789。最大的顺金为花色相同的QKA,最小的顺金为花色相同的234。  顺子(拖拉机):花色不同的顺子。例:黑桃5红桃6方块7。最大的顺子为花色不同的QKA,最小的顺子为花色不同的234。 金花(色皮):花色相同,非顺子。例:黑桃368,方块123。  对子:两张点数相同的牌.例:223, 334。  散牌:三张牌不组成任何类型的牌。5. 牌面比较规则:豹子 > 顺金 > 金花 > 顺子 > 对子 > 散牌  豹子、金花、对子、散牌的比较,按照顺序比点的规则比较大小。牌点从大到小为:A、K、Q、J、10、9、8、7、6、5、4、3、2,各花色不分大小;顺金、顺子按照顺序比点。AKQ>KQJ>…>432。  顺金、顺子按照顺序比点。 AKQ>KQJ>QJ10 。。。  同种牌型,对子时比对子的大小,其它牌型比最大的牌张,如最大牌张相同则比第二大的张,以此类推。当两牌型大小完全相同时,主动比牌者负。在“诈金花”中有时明牌怕暗牌,睁眼的怕闭眼的,如果你手中的牌勉强能混着上,要是碰上一个世人独醒而我偏睡的主儿,那可能就会遭了大殃。相对而言,在“诈金花”中,“炸弹”是大贵,“金花”是顺势,“链子”是小康,而“对子”和“单牌”才是日常生活。  在“诈金花”游戏中应该没有常胜,但却有常胜,确有常胜,常胜者应该是不能始终如一坚持原则的人,是自己的叛徒,但常胜又是人人梦寐以求的。此游戏不仅仅是单靠运气,还要想方设法在心理上战胜对方,智力的运用是重中之重。用自己的气魄和胆量争取到每一次胜利吧,胜利的路上总是充满了曲折和艰辛。Please domestic usersincrease customer service QQ group: 543 221 539=============================Holidays to do? Eating and drinking fraud Jinhua!Fraud Jinhua, also known as Golden fried, bar Jinhua, fraudchicken, catch the chicken, win three, three cards, three with, isthe most popular Chinese intellectual game of chance; players getthree cards in the hands of winning or losing , a winning hand notonly rely on luck, but by courage and calculations.Get a small card, do not be discouraged, others may be smaller thanyou cards;When to get big, and do not get too excited, on the home brand maybe even more significant Oh ~Good luck, a chance to see the century gamble, not to win pours, islost, leaving only underpants.1 . The basic rules of the gameThe number of people involved in a total of nine games, including astand-alone and multi-player computer AI, a global online networkversion, use to remove a king size cards, a total of 52 cardsFrom the dealer counterclockwise circle, each person can choose toread the cards, call, raise, giving up other operations, can be setafter the second round than winning or losing hand.At the end of each game, players can only see not to fold the cardsin the hands of all the players.2. Games GlossaryMakers: on a winning player is the next round of the dealer, thecase of the first game or leave the winner randomly selected aplayer to the dealer.Antes: Before the game starts each player must first put the medal,3 chips, starting with the next player banker.Cap: a single injection of the maximum number of chips currently138Look Cards: view your three cards in the suit and points.Call: the current inputs and a single injection of the same amountof chips.Filling: single note double, again with a single injection into thesame number of chips.Flop: After the second round, you can flop. Input current singleinjection twice chips, all remaining players cards than winning orlosing.Give up: discard the current pay all the medal, sentenced tolose.3. The basic flow of the game descriptionInto the bottom NOTE: Before you first pay licensing medal.Licensing: Licensing start from the dealer, the first start, thenrandomly select a first user licensing. Issued three cards each,cards face down as a dark card.Games: First start from the banker bet, the other players in turncounterclockwise operation. Turn the player operation, the playeraccording to the conditions and judge the situation can raise,call, read the cards, give up, flop and other operations.Flop: After the second round can always choose to open cards.Analyzing the outcome: according to card type comparison rules todetermine the outcome. Show all the players did not give up thecard type. If money can be put into the game only one player, thepenalty for this victory for the players players.4. Description card typeLeopard: Three cards of the same point. Example: AAA, 222.Shunjin (flush, the color prop): Junko same suit. Example: 456spades, hearts 789. Gold is the largest along the same suit QKA,the smallest and-gold suit for the same 234.Junko (tractor): different colors straight. Example: Hearts Spades5 6 7 blocks. Maximum straight to suit different QKA, a minimum of234 different colors for the straight.Jinhua (skin color): the same suit, non-straight. Example: 368spades, block 123.Pair: Two cards of the same number of points Example: 223,334.San cards: three cards do not compose any type of card.5. Cards comparison rules:Leopards> Shun Gold> Golden> straight> sub> casualcardCompare leopards, Golden, pairs, scattered cards, compare the sizeof the order than the regular points. Licensing point descendingas: A, K, Q, J, 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2, regardless of the size of eachcolor; Shunjin, straight in the order than the point. AKQ>KQJ> ...> 432.Shun gold, straight in the order than the point. AKQ> KQJ>QJ10. . .The same kind of card type, size pair of neutrons than the othercards than the largest type of a card, a card is the same as themaximum ratio of the second largest sheets, and so on. When twoidentical cards type size, the active negative than thedealer.In the "Golden fraud" are sometimes afraid of the dark card winningnumbers, open eyes closed eyes of fear, if you are in the hands ofthe cards can barely mixed, if people tried to say I run into apartial sleep Zhu Er, it may It could have been a big calamity. Incontrast, in the "Golden fraud", the "bomb" is a big expensive,"Golden Flower" homeopathic, "chain" is the well-off, and "pair"and "single-brand" is the everyday life.In the "Golden fraud" game should not victorious, but therevictorious, indeed victorious, victorious should not consistentlyadhere to the principle of the people, a traitor to his own, but isalso coveted victorious of. This game is not just rely on luck, butalso to find ways to psychologically defeat each other, the use ofintelligence is the most important. With their boldness and courageto fight for it every victory, the victory on the road is alwaysfull of twists and hardships.
Cell Game 1.0.1
CronlyGames Inc.
Bigger cells prey upon smaller ones, big cells eat little cells!
Jump LR 1.0.0
CronlyGames Inc.
The most fun brain in history, simple tapstojump, but hard to reach the ideal goals, each time you will endinregret!Jump up step by step, left or right? Step carefully,Stepaccurately.A small mistake, lead to a big panic!It is better to taps in two hands, the left thumb taps ontheleft to jump left, the right thumb taps on the right to jumpright.The rule is simple, but you must focus with full eyes!CronlyGames© 2014, All rights reserved.
Color Lines Farm 1.0.2
CronlyGames Inc.
Color Lines Farm,Winter is coming, storm is coming!You are living in a farm, to collect all animals, pets together, toprevent storm.Animals appears three in once, and stay at their places.They are looking for their kinds, and if five inline/row/diangon, theyare happy to come home together.You can move the animals to some place and merge themtogeter,as many as you can.Father Christmas is moved by your work, and help you with somegifts:1) Gift box, it can make any animals believe the box is theirown kind;2) Father Christmas clone, it can match any animal, and take allthe same animal away, if matched in five;3) Brush, it can help to brush all neighbouring animals, make theminto one same kind;4) Bomb, it can clear all neighbouring items.
Spot The Differerences - Selec 1.0.1
CronlyGames Inc.
Spot the differents, selected picturestoassure the quality and enjoyness when you spend the leisure time.💗 Touch the spot of the difference on pictures. Without anytips,you can capture the red hearts, one for one picture inonemode!Convert the hearts to tips, timers to help you pass thelevelsooner!You can also buy hearts to skip minor differences you'd liketo.💗 Five different game modes like others, but bring you abrandnew modeInsane Mode - Never have you played it before!Spot the differences between two similar pictures - honeygirls,handsome boys and lovely pets!Touch the spot of the difference on pictures, Capture theredhearts!Rate the game if you love it, we will continue to addmorepictures as you like.
Bunny Bust 1.0.0
CronlyGames Inc.
A crazy game to capture prison-break bunnyinlimit steps!Enhanced version for mad cat which is popular in WeChat.1) Show current status for each cells;2) Unlimited undos.A bunny is fleeing from a madhouse, and madhouse owner(thedean)invite you to help him capture the bunny, you can addobstacles inthe map to prevent bunny escaped. The less obstacles,the betterscores!The bunny will laugh at you after the game ends.You will enjoy by the mad notes if you have a strong heart.
Lucky Stars SE 1.0.0
CronlyGames Inc.
The special love is for special you, andthespecial edition is for the players who specially love toplayLuckyStars!The most popular star crush games now have its special!Sofantastic new features supported, you must download it now!0) The special hexagon tiles to help you connect as many starsaspossible!1) Classical play rules, and now has three different modes!Classic,Timed, or Stepped, There must be one for your favor!2) Two totally different themes, Colors and Shapes,thecolor-insenstive can choose shape theme. there must be one foryoureyes!3) Win coins in Daily Login Bonus, and win coins in timed/stepgame!Little cost, promising outcome!The most popular Pop Star games from iOS, over 1milliondownloads, and now available on Google Play Market.Transplatedfrom the original Seller, and Quality Assuranced!Lucky Stars SE is now ready on Google Play Market!To embrace your dreams, to pop all Same Stars in the night sky!Onceyou start, you can't stop!★ The play rule is the same as all other *same* games,- tap at least 2 neighbouring stars with the same color/shape- pop them with the most stars- achieve the highest score you've ever got.★ The scoring rule is simple- The more stars you pop, the more scores you will get.(Formula: Score = Stars * Stars * 5)- Try to clear all stars in the sky, the least stars youleft,the more bonus you will get.(Formula: Bonus = 2000 - Stars * Stars * 20), you will get2000bonus after all stars are cleared.★ Magic tools are important here! Click the magic tool toenableit, or click it again to disable it.- brush in different color : brush one star to the same color asthebrush;Useful when you try to connect as more stars as you can, toachievehigher score.- refresh: refresh all stars in the sky.Useful when you are feeling your luck!- hammer, knock out one star.Useful when you try to connect more same neighbouring starstoachieve more scores★ The above magic tools are ★FREE★ for once in each play.You can also buy more magic tools!★ It is really useful to achieve the higher score, you havethetips!
Texas Hold'em - Daily Poke It! 2.0.0
CronlyGames Inc.
Limited Texas Hold'em, you can winlimitedchips ever dreamed! Whether you are Tight or Loose,Aggressive orPassive!Daily login to get *FREE* bonus chips![WARN] Quit the game to Menu Scene will lose all bet chips inthecurrent round!Texas hold 'em (also known as hold 'em or holdem) is avariationof the standard card game of poker. The game consists oftwo cardsbeing dealt face down to each player and then fivecommunity cardsbeing placed face-up by the dealer—a series of three("the flop")then two additional single cards ("the turn" and "theriver" or"fourth and fifth street" respectively), with playershaving theoption to check, bet, raise or fold after each deal;i.e., bettingmay occur prior to the flop, "on the flop", "on theturn", and "onthe river". Texas Hold 'em is the "H" game featuredin H.O.R.S.Eand in H.O.S.E.Objective:In Texas hold 'em, as in all variants of poker,individualscompete for an amount of money or chips contributed bythe playersthemselves (called the pot). Because the cards are dealtrandomlyand outside the control of the players, each playerattempts tocontrol the amount of money in the pot based either onthe handthey are holding, or on their prediction as to what theiropponentsmay be holding.The game is divided into a series of hands or deals; attheconclusion of each hand, the pot is typically awarded to oneplayer(an exception in which the pot is divided between more thanone isdiscussed below). A hand may end at the showdown, in whichcase theremaining players compare their hands and the highest handisawarded the pot; that highest hand is usually held by onlyoneplayer, but can be held by more in the case of a tie. Theotherpossibility for the conclusion of a hand occurs when all butoneplayer has folded and have thereby abandoned any claim to thepot,in which case the pot is awarded to the player who hasnotfolded.The objective of winning players is not to win everyindividualhand, but rather to make mathematically andpsychologically correctdecisions regarding when and how much tobet, raise, call or fold.By making such decisions, winning pokerplayers can maximize theirexpected gain on each round of betting,thereby increasing theirlong-term winnings.Texas Hold'em are divided into the following steps:1) Compulsory bets,2) Pre-flop,3) Flop,4) Turn,5) River,6) ShowdownAfter Showdown, the bet chips are awarded to the winners.For more information, you can refer to:
Punch The Rats 1.0.2
CronlyGames Inc.
It is a Spring now, Farmers are preparingtheirseeds and working for the next harvest season.And it is also the season the rats are activated to huntforfood. They dig holes, and find everyting they can tofeedthemselves.Farmers are vey angry with these rats, they will kill allratsthey can find!Punch the rats is a very simple and attractive game. Givethemouse a hammer when it is up!Simple and rude! But when you see the hit mouse, itshurtemotions, makes you laugh.In the dynamic mode, the holes are even moving!!!
Ludo Online Game Hall 2.0.0
CronlyGames Inc.
[FREE] Ludo with online multiplayers arefreenow!At the requests from players, to add multiplayer mode for familyandfriends to play it on the same iPad/iPhone devices!*** Ludo Online, The most grand ludo on Play Store! ****** With four cute themes, and all themes are free! ****** Add magic dices so you can toss your ideal dice as youlike***Turn your android device into a ludo board, play ludo withyourfamily, friends, or computers, to enjoy your own leisuretime.Follow the hints or go on your own way, win the game overallAIs, or lose it gracefully.Ludo has been desecrated as a mindless game totally dependentonchance. Some people think life is the same, God plays dice. Butyoucan always start over whenever you are planning to, and eachtime,it is a brand new start!
宽立天天掼蛋 1.1.0
CronlyGames Inc.
为庆贺旗下天天斗地主,天天拖拉机,中国象棋,麻将十三张等游戏发行五周年,上海宽立棋牌游戏又隆重出新产品,宽立天天掼蛋正式上线了!“掼蛋”是在江苏、安徽等地广为流传的扑克游戏,是由地方的扑克牌局,取代传统“跑的快”和“八十分”发展演变而来,牌局采用四人结对竞赛,输赢升级的方式进行。由于其易学,组合和技巧性强,使牌局更富有娱乐性和刺激性,深受政府、白领和群众的喜爱,民间盛传,“饭后不掼蛋,等于没吃饭”。“掼蛋”,起源于沭阳县沭城镇。是一种在沭阳地区广为流传的扑克游戏,是由地方的扑克牌局“跑的快”和“八十分”发展演化而来。牌局采用四人结对竞赛,输赢升级的方式进行。使牌局更富有娱乐性和刺激性。安徽地区也非常的流行。在苏北的宿迁,淮安,盐城等地比较流行。我问淮安老者起先为什么会叫“掼蛋”,这掼蛋的冠名确实有点老土。他们说这就叫入乡随俗。在这个小地方这“掼”的乡土动词使用得比较广泛,早年手工劳作收粮食,“掼把”是一个必须经历的程序。早年生产队队场上有十多个刻有深槽的石磙子,小麦收割登场后,农民兄弟都是三五个人围着一个石磙,把麦把朝磙子上扎。这种动作就称之为“掼”,是把扎紧的麦把捆扬过头顶,回缩后力量相对加重,这样麦粒子就很容易从秸秆上脱落。还有双方交手打架比试,有一方就提出叫我们来“掼一架”,还有就是“掼东西”,把器皿摔在地上。这里的“掼蛋”我认为还是“摔”的意思。“掼”还与物理学的惯性有着联系,就像新四军在南征北战中的北撤一样拳头缩回去再伸出来的力量要比直接打外去有力,掼蛋的战术里就有韬晦之计引蛇出洞的打法,一些激情的年轻人高起兴来,会把几张弹牌举过头顶掼出去,还真有点“掼”的气势和架势。  至于“蛋”这里可能是把字用别了,应该是炸弹的“弹”。按照“掼蛋”最初形成的时间,是一九六六年底或一九六七年初,当时正是“敌我斗争”尖锐时期,还有“原子弹”是当时最强大的核武器,在牌游戏中设立这种权威的牌种还是不足为怪的。我想大概是设立这原子弹炸死美国鬼子反动派吧。这两个字组合在一起都有点浓郁的乡土味。显得有一点不伦不类,没有那种文风的高雅。掼蛋打法里面还有一些排列组合的称谓也是如此。像“核讹诈”、“同花顺”、“杂花顺”、“三姐妹”、“逢人配”等,多看出命名的俗气。当时最初老百姓的乡土叫法并没有文字记载,也没有人上档次地研究,至于这个“弹”后来竟演变为鸡蛋的“蛋”就不得而知了。难怪一位老乡谦虚说自己掼蛋技术不高,是软皮蛋。炸弹:八张同数值牌七张同数值牌六张同数值牌五张同数值牌四张同数值牌注:主牌有两张红桃称为逢人配(任意配,除鬼外可配任何牌),如和八张一起,可变为10张的炸弹。四王(四鬼牌),什么牌型都可打,是最大的牌。同花顺:同花的五张牌,最大的为同花10-J-Q-K-A,最小的为A-2-3-4-5。顺子:五张连续单牌,不可超过五张(如:A-2-3-4-5或10-J-Q-K-A)。不包括双王,不分花色。钢板(三顺):二个的连续三张牌,不可超过2个(如:333444、444555)。单牌(一手牌):单个牌。对牌(一手牌):数值相同的两张牌。三张牌:数值相同的三张牌(如三个10)。三带两:数值相同的三张牌加一对牌。头游:第一个出完牌的为头游。末游:游戏结束了,还没出完牌的。三连对:三对的连续对牌,不可超过3对(如:334455、778899,最大的是QQKKAA,最小的是AA2233)。不包括双王,不分花色。两连对不可出。动作术语进贡:向某玩家献给手上的最大牌退贡:收了玩家的进贡牌,退还他一张牌抗贡:需要进贡时,因为手上达到条件而免去进贡(单人抗贡需手抓两支大王,两人抗贡则两人合抓两支大王)。牌型大小四王是最大的牌>六张和六张以上炸弹>同花顺>五张炸弹>四张炸弹>其它牌型单牌从大至小依次为:大王,小王,级牌,A,K,Q,J,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2(以打10为例,大王>小王>10>A>K>Q>J>9>8>7>6>5>4>3>2 )对一般牌型而言,只有当牌型相同和总张数相同的牌,才可比较大小。其中像三连对,钢板,顺子等组合牌型,只要比较其最大数值的牌就行。特殊规则和名称逢人配(任意组合)配牌为当前等级的红桃牌。比如级牌为10。2、3、4、红桃10、6可组成2,3,4,5,6的顺子也可以任意组合成除大王,小王外的炸弹以及同花等任意牌型。双贡 就是和对家最终为前两名。双下 就是和对家最终为最后两名。末游 就是最后一名。头家 第一名。接风 当某个人最后一手牌打出时,如果其他玩家都放弃。则下一轮的任意出牌权是他的对家。第一轮抽随机牌,抽中者先出牌。贡牌出牌每局牌开始前,上一局牌的下游者需向得上游者进贡一张牌。进贡的牌必须是自己手中最大的牌,“逢人配”除外,接受进贡者须将自己手中的一张牌还给进贡者(不得大于10),并由下游者出牌。  下游者抓到两个大王,则不用进贡,由上游者出牌;双下时,如二人各抓到一个“大王”或一方抓到两个“大王”,则都不用进贡,由上游者先出牌。  双下时,二人都应向上游方分别进贡,上游者拿大牌,并还牌给贡大牌者,由贡大牌者先出牌;如双方进贡的牌一样大小,则按照顺时针方向进贡,还牌时向下家牌面向下分别还牌,双方得牌后同时亮牌,并由上游者的下家先出牌。  还牌:还牌可以为任意牌(不得大于10)。洗牌倒牌由上游一方洗牌,另一方为下游切牌,下游先起牌。双下时,必须由上游的下家先起牌。报牌手中牌6张以下(包括6张牌),必须主动报数,且随问随报;如报错牌张或故意隐瞒,则已出完的牌必须收回重出。升级规则最先出牌结束者为赢家(头游),最后一个出牌结束的是末游。如果是双下,赢家升3级。(奖励多晋一级)如果对手有一家是末游,赢家升2级;如果赢家自己对门是末游,赢家升1级。 1.0.0
CronlyGames Inc.
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Play with your friends on online chess game; Practise andupgradeyour levels for Offline mode. Practice more and suppriseyourfriends later on Online Ches! All UI are very simple, so youcanfocus on Chess itself. Hope you like it and enjoy it every day!
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Online Game Hall for Gomoku
Tank 90 1.2.0
CronlyGames Inc.
[Grand Update] You must download this version of Tank 90 or youwillmiss the marvellous joys here: 1) the long-time expected WiFibattlevs friends is available now. Connect you to all Androiddevice, likedroid phones and droid Pads! 2) Win one heart whenpass on level.Collect hearts together for later configuration; 3)Configure yourtank for life and power, 5 hearts will get 1 life. 5hearts will get1 power up! 4) buy infinite wifi battle to playcontinousely withyour friends! 5) and more joys to discover... Themost classic 90tank wars on App Store, and now is available onGoogle Play Market!Tank 1990 is a different implementation of NESbattle city, it hassome improvements, like enemy can eat thebonus. You, controlling atank, must destroy enemy tanks in eachlevel, which enter theplayfield from the top of the screen. Theenemy tanks attempt todestroy the player's base (represented onthe map as a bird, eagleor Phoenix), as well as the human tankitself. A level is completedwhen the player destroys all 20 enemyTanks, but the game ends ifthe player's base is destroyed or theplayer loses all availablelives. It contains 20 different stagesthat are 13 units wide by 13units high. Each map containsdifferent types of terrain andobstacles. Come and enjoy it, hopeit might remind you of the goodold days when you were a young boy!
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CronlyGames Inc.
The blocks game from Russia, WiFi play with your friends!